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Yellow Flower



Anchor 1

Your money goes towards giving a low-income client hope for the future. They can now receive life-changing counselling and begin their journey of healing.


More about our mission of affordable counselling:


A healthy, vibrant community is our vision and goal at South Island Counselling. We know first hand how counselling can give someone in despair hope for the future and can have an enormous positive impact in their lives. We want to ensure everyone has the opportunity to see a counsellor, regardless of the income they make. This is why we started our subsidy program. 


Counselling is not covered by BC Medical and many clients seeking counselling are unemployed, on disability, have a small pension, are single parents or just simply make too little.  It's important to us that we remain a viable option for these individuals in our community. At this time, approximately 70% of our clients receive fee subsidies. With your support, we can continue giving life-changing counselling for those who otherwise would not be able to afford it.


For those that receive our help, at least 6 to 10 other individuals in that person's life are affected in a more positive way. That's the start of a strong and empowered community that cares for all of it's members. If this is important to you then please consider donating to our Charity so we can continue to do our work. Thank you for making mental wellness available to everyone.




Other Ways to Give

Pay our Regular Rates
By seeking counselling at our Centre, you are giving back to your community. Our regular rate to see a Clinical Counsellor is $140/session. As a non-profit, we take any additional revenue above what it costs to run our Centre and put it into our Subsidy Program. You will be matched with 1 of 12 Clinical Counsellors who will best meet your needs and could potentially have your sessions covered by extended health benefits. 

Corporate Donation
Donate through your business or encourage your team to support the community through employee giving. You can designate your support to a specific program or project that aligns with your corporate philanthropic culture – or simply give where it’s needed most. You can also use CRM (cause-related marketing) to support and promote South Island Counselling. This can help drive sales and build customer loyalty. Call or email Stacey at 250-472-2851 x101 or to find out more about point-of sale campaigns, percentage of sales campaigns, and sales of specific items.

Outreach Work
Consider supporting South Island Counselling as part of your Church's outreach ministry. Church members may want to learn more about our mission and subsidy program work. Call or email Stacey at 250-472-2851 x 101 or

Your Story is Powerful
Your counselling story could help us with fundraising campaigns and grants  which allows us to continue our mission of affordable counselling.  If you are interested please reach out to

Follow Us on Social Media
Follow us and like us on Facebook and Instagram to learn about: upcoming courses, counselling tips, our favourite therapy books, and more. ​​​​​​​

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